At the end of June the studies at Small Business School (from Kharkiv Regional Fund of business support of Regional State Administration) were finished. The lecturers of the School were lawyers and tax consultants of “Global Consulting” Corporation.The specialists shared their knowledge and experience which are called to make members of the seminar to understand the business specificity more deeply. Tatiana Maiorova – Otmorska (the lawyer and head of registration department) explained to first-time entrepreneurs who is small and medium business subject, how to choose types of activities and form of taxation, how to register business. Olga Dolga (the tax consultant, head of consultant department) told the members of the seminar about the main term, advantages and disadvantages of operating according to the simplified taxation system, how to keep accounting records and to file account. Sergei Bubenko (the leading lawyer) told about contractual relationships with partners and partnership links in business. The lecturers got commendations from Kharkiv Regional Fund of business support and grateful feedbacks from listeners. The Small Business School gathered 20 members who were learning the main rules of business in current economic conditions during the month and got main management skills which are necessary for successful development of the enterprise and business.